Monday, June 16, 2008

Doin' the Limbo, man...

I've been depressed and not wanting to write at all. It's due to a lack of any action happening on the homefront.
It's like being dressed up and no where to go. The house sits vacant, clean, ready to be filled with a family. We sit in our travel trailer in the back. Give us a sign! We'll be out the gates and gone!
When we put the house up for rent 4 weeks ago, it looked pretty good. Not many rentals in our price, we had lots of extras thrown in. Today, the rental market is swamped! Where did they all come from?
It seems that whenever I make a decision to do something, everyone else has the great idea, too. When I was thinking of selling the house... guess what? The market dropped overnight. This seems to have happened all my life.
I just want to get on the road and moved!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

three word wednesday ~ short and sweet


The key for change is to dizzy oneself so the world spins like a top. Then throw your dart.
Guaranteed, it will change your life!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

3WW make ups

I missed the last two weeks and I want to be able to keep up with this. Call it a way to bring regularity to a life that is completely desheveled by circumstances.

June 4, 2009

A quick smile passed over her face.
She was remembering his touch. The way his fingers felt on her skin, the way he looked into her eyes and into her soul. She couldn’t deny the attraction. It was there.
She wasn’t ready for a relationship yet.
The thought of committing to another was uncomfortable.
She wasn’t ready, but he was.
Was this sudden opportunity for love going to falter so quickly because of her insecurities?

May 28, 2008

The boy was facing a real crisis for the first time in his 12 years. What he wanted to do was not illegal, but what was happening in front of him was not right. He knew that deep in his gut. Yet, he knew he needed to try.
He was no match in size for the task at hand, but again, he knew he needed to try.
His eyes blurred with tears as he took tentative steps forward. “You can’t cry, you can’t show weakness,” he kept saying to himself. “What will dad think? Mom? My friends?”
He drew himself up to his full height, threw his chest out and waded into the fray in front of him. He bellowed as loud as he could, “what are you doing to my friends?”
Everything froze in time in front of him. All eyes stopped, all attention was directed to him. He wished with all his being that he could just disappear, he couldn’t and he didn’t. He took his first step torward adulthood at that moment.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


I shouldn't feel guilty for not paying attention to my blog, but I do.
I find myself feeling guilty about a lot of things I really shouldn't. But I'm the one who always believes I can do it better, be better, be nurturing, etc, etc, and all that other schmalz.
Transistion is not going well at this time, we are in a holding pattern. We live no where, we're just waiting for all things legal to gel. They will, but I'm impatient.
Somehow I also feel it's all my fault. There's that guilt again....